Be mad.

Someone once told me, reality is whatever the majority deems it to be. It’s not necessarily the best or most logical, but it’s the one that has become adapted to the desires of society as a whole.

In this world, we are perceived to be mad when we do not conform to society, because we act contrary to what is perceived to be the ‘norm’, or what the rest of the world expects of us. But what if it’s the rest of the world that is mad? What if, for all these millenia, the individuals who we’ve been isolating and labeling ‘lunatics’ were the truly sane ones?

Fables speak of a village in which there existed a witch. The witch detested her fellow villagers and so she decided to cast a spell on the village well,which was used by all the villagers, so that whoever drank from it would become mad. Eventually the whole village began to behave in strange and weird mannerisms, and the witch was pleased that she had achieved her objective. But over time, the village continued to exist and thrive. Why so? Because the villagers continued to live in their perceived madness and, since they all behaved like lunatics except for the witch, they saw themselves as sane and began to view the witch as the mad one. Eventually, the witch also drank from the well, because she had grown weary of being the different from the rest and wanted to fit in. And so the village continued to exist in peace and madness.

So today, attempt to be mad. Try to change those aspects of your life which you are not comfortable with, even if doing so would mean breaking away from the norm. Try and see how it feels to be different, to be carefree. For in the end, no one can judge you. Each person knows the extent of their own suffering, or the total absence of meaning in their lives. And all of us, one way or another, are mad.